Using the Georgia Tech GVU's VIII WWW survey, we find the following characteristics of the way 10-18 year olds use the Internet. The following ten items are used in this profile.
1 Chat Use: Younger age groups are more likely to use chat groups than other age categories. 24.38% of 10-18 yr olds had used chat a few times and 11.63% had used chat several times a day.
2 Electronic news: This age group is likely to access news on the web. While 33.4% said that they had accessed news a few times, 26.59% said that they had never done so.
3 Frequency of use: 10-18 yr olds have a high frequency of web usage. 46.8% said that they logged in 1-4 times a day and 17.45% logged in more than 9 times a day. Only 0.83% logged in once a month.
4 Hours of fun computing: This group spends the most time on fun computing than any other group. 31.58% spent upto 5 hrs a day in computing for fun, 19.67% spent 10-20 hrs a day!
5 Looking for job listings: 10-18 yr olds are unlikely to look for jobs online. 66.2% said that they had never even looked for them, 24 % said that they had searched a few times.
6 Maps on web: Nearly 40% of 10-18 yr olds used the web to find maps, 32.9% said that they did not do so.
7 Newsgroups: 10-18 yr olds are less likely to use newsgroups than older groups. 34.9% of them never had used them.
8 Personal computing: There were fewer hours of personal computing on the web by this group. While 43.49% used it for 1-5 hrs, just 11.08% did 10-20 hrs of personal computing.
9 Shopping: This age group is least likely to use the web to shop. 57.06% had never used it for the purpose of shopping.
10 Problems using the web: 10-18 yr olds are most like ly to report problems while using the web. 64.27% of them reported broken links, 58.45 had problems finding new information, and 65.93% had trouble with speed.
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